Red Roses in a Vase and Bear- sweet roses arrive with a soft, plush bear... Send Red roses arrive with a soft, plush bear. Bear size and color may vary. Roses available in red, yellow, pink, peach, and white color.
Flowers: Round bouquet of 6 or 7 Red Roses with greens, in green felt with red ribbon. **The vase is included.
Product name: Bouquet of flowers "I love" + a soft toy Teddy Bear
Product ID: 3-07
Sizes: diameter bouquet: 10 cm, roses height: 50-60 cm. Teddy bear size (Small size 20-25 cm.)
Service supplier location: Minsk, Belarus. International Flower Delivery: by local Teleflora florist. Same Day. Guarantee
Before processing of your order, Please, familiarize with the Delivery terms of international orders. As we guarantee delivery of soft toys "as pictured on the website" only on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.