Bouquet of 21 red roses: The embodiment of passion and love for the One who deserves the whole world
Presenting a magnificent bouquet of 21 long red roses, created for a real queen. This grand bouquet of bright and captivating deep-red roses is the epitome of passion and love. Each petal of these red roses radiates majestic energy and is a symbol of strong and sincere feelings.
To buy a bouquet of red roses means to show your love and devotion in the most beautiful form. This bouquet will be an unforgettable gift that will remind you of your deep feelings and affection for each other.
A bouquet of 21 red roses is an expressive gesture that can win the heart of someone who bravely goes ahead and is not afraid to take risks. It represents confidence, strength, and determination. Each rose, lush and luxurious, conveys the depth of your affection and willingness to do anything for your beloved.
We will take care of the delivery of this exquisite bouquet of red roses in Minsk, so its beauty and fragrance will captivate at first sight. Our team of specialists will do their best to make every rose fresh and beautiful when it's at your feet.
Don't doubt your choice, because a bouquet of 21 red roses is a real business card of love and passion. Give it to someone who means the world to you, and feel the magic that these luxurious red roses evoke.
Contents:21 red roses, white netting, and a red bow.
Size: height – 60-70 cm, diameter – 30 cm.
Item number: FL-86.
Supplier: LLC "ZIVIS-Opt. Minsk, Belarus
Country of origin: flowers – Netherlands / Ecuador.