Express your emotions through the beauty of flowers with this exquisite mixed bouquet. Combining timeless red roses with whimsical and distinctive blooms, this arrangement is bound to bring joy to your beloved. Whether it's a special occasion or a heartfelt gesture, this bouquet serves as a perfect expression of love and affection. Radiating femininity and elegance, the stunning assortment of peach, red, and cream roses will leave her without words, capturing her heart in awe.
Composition: Round bouquet to include 11 mixed color long stem roses (cream roses, red roses, peach roses) with greens, green ribbon.
Sizes: height – 60 cm, diameter – 35 cm.
Supplier: LLC «ZIVIS-Opt», Minsk, Belarus.
Country of origin: Netherlands / Ecuador.
Service supplier location: Minsk, Belarus. International Flower Delivery: by local Teleflora florist. Same Day. Guarantee.
Please, familiarize with the Delivery terms of international orders.